Chris Sainty

A technical blog covering full-stack web development.

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Praise for

I was in the market for a CDN recently. Not one for my own content but one for pulling in libraries like jQuery, Moment and Marked.

In the interest of promoting a good service when I find one I thought I'd write a quick note about my chosen provider.

I settled on jsDelivr, which meets three key criteria in decision process

  1. Good benchmark results
  2. Simple process to add more libraries
  3. Concatenation of multiple libraries

Another unique feature of jsDelivr is their redundancy and load-balancing between two leading CDN networks. Cloudflare and MaxCDN. So even if one of these big players goes down jsDelivr has you covered.

Did you just default to the google or jQuery CDNs? Currently loading libraries from multiple CDNs? Perhaps it is time to revisit the question.