Veil - Getting Started With Nancy
Nancy is a great framework for building websites and it has been an important goal for Veil to integrate seamlessly in to your Nancy projects.
To get started you will first need to install Veil's view engine wrapper for Nancy.
Install-Package Nancy.ViewEngines.Veil
You also need to install one or more Veil parsers.
- SuperSimple:
Install-Package Veil.SuperSimple
- Handlebars:
Install-Package Veil.Handlebars
Nancy and Veil then work together to wire everything up with no other changes. Unlike razor there are no mysterious web.config
changes to make.
Be default Veil will handle templates with following extensions.
- Veil.SuperSimple:
- Veil.Handlebars:
For more details on the supported syntax of each parser check out their projects on GitHub. Veil.SuperSimple Veil.Handlebars
How to get Veil to handle .sshtml templates?
If you would like to use Veil to handle .sshtml
templates that were previously being handled by Nancy's own SuperSimpleViewEngine then you need to unregister it in your bootstrapper.
public class CustomBootstrapper : DefaultNancyBootstrapper
protected override IEnumerable<Type> ViewEngines
return new[] { typeof(Nancy.ViewEngines.Veil.VeilViewEngine) };
How to get Veil to handle arbitrary template extensions?
If you like to register an arbitrary file extension to a Veil parser, say .html
to the Handlebars parser. You simply need to drop in an ITemplateParserRegistration
which Veil will detect on startup.
public class CustomParserRegistration : ITemplateParserRegistration
public IEnumerable<string> Keys { get { return new[] { "html" }; } }
public Func<ITemplateParser> ParserFactory
get { return () => new HandlebarsParser(); }